Sue Nayler
I graduated from Leeds University (I’m not saying how long ago!) with a degree in French and Spanish and my employment background was in the banking and legal sectors before selling my soul to The Wholesaler back in 2002.
Away from the office, I enjoy “cuisine” in the widest sense of the word, be it as cook or diner – but not bottle washer!- reading, the cinema and a glass of wine or two (mine’s a Pinot please!). Tennis used to be my sport of choice but since breaking my leg a couple of years ago I’m sadly now more of a spectator but still a huge fan.
I have maintained my links with Spain via a property in Andalucia and alternate my time between there and the UK

The Wholesaler UK started back in 1999
David Heasman started The Wholesaler UK back in 1999 when the internet was very much in its infancy. We still have some advertisers who have been with us virtually since day one! Back then hard copy was still the advertising medium of choice for many companies. Few people had access to a computer, let alone an internet connection and mobile connectivity was still a pipe dream. How things have changed! Now the internet pervades every area of our lives and it’s a very rare company that doesn’t have a web presence and an ever rarer home or individual that doesn’t use the web for everything from shopping, booking holidays, keeping in touch and for a myriad other reasons
David’s co-director, Sue Nayler, joined The Wholesaler in 2002.
So, If you phone The Wholesaler you will always get through to a human being. When we are not in the office, our phones transfer to mobiles. In those circumstances, you will only be asked to leave a message if we are out of signal. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can call us at 3 am or on a Sunday evening although people do!
Our aim has never been to publish the longest list of wholesalers. Indeed, we are very fussy about who we link to. Scarily enough since our revenue comes from our advertisers, for various reasons we probably turn away more than half the people who contact us for a listing. All our content is personally vetted and that’s what makes us different from other directories and it’s why retailers can use the directory sure in the knowledge that they are dealing with bona fide traders.
David Heasman
Sadly David passed away on 1st February 2019 after a short illness. He will be sorely missed but rest assured that The Wholesaler will continue as normal as he would have wished