Artisan Furniture
furniture Wholesale
Artisan Furniture
Unit 2A Monck Street
Phone 0800 689 4736
Fax N/A
Artisan Furniture
Artisan Furniture is a British company based in Westminster, London, with a storage and distribution centre in Ipswich and a factory in Jaipur, India. The company specialises in manufacturing handmade furniture featuring contemporary as well as traditional styles, direct from the hands of artisans in Jaipur, India who have been practising their craft for generations. A truly authentic hand crafted experience for a world that is sorely lacking in them. We offer wholesale, trade and dropship services - please see our website for full details. Please quote The Wholesaler UK.
Wholesaler supplier furniture near me
Target Market
- High End
- Mid Range
- Budget
- UK
- Europe
- Worldwide
Trading Method
- Dropship
- Online
- Cash and Carry
- Phone
- Agents
- Catalogue
Customers Supplied
- Independent Shops
- Multiple Retails
- On Line Retailers
- Hotels
- Wholesaler
- Interior Designers
- eBay
- Start Ups
Minimum Order Value
N/ACarriage Free Order Value
N/AContact Artisan Furniture
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